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Aligners or braces: What’s the best for me ?

A healthy and balanced smile does not only mirror good oral health but also good overall health. Crooked or Mal-aligned teeth affect oral health and hygiene and many a time are a reason for embarrassment and lack of confidence. A beautiful smile and straight teeth are desired by everyone. So […]

Gummy Smile and six different ways to correct it.

A healthy and beautiful smile is not just about white teeth. Gums are also a crucial part of your mouth, but you probably don’t want them to show as much every time you smile. Causes of Gummy Smile: A well-balanced smile is a perfect smile, though this may differ from […]

When does my child need Braces?

Orthodontic treatment plays a huge role in health care than is generally recognized. Braces for kids play a very crucial role in their oral health care.  The best dentists in Mumbai quote that the primary purpose of orthodontic treatment is to create a healthy, functional “bite,” which involves tooth alignment […]

6 Parenting hacks for good oral hygiene practice in children.

Running behind your little munchkin round the clock is a daunting task. Raising a child with good etiquette and making him/her adopt good oral hygiene habits can be challenging. Some simple hacks that can come in handy and instill a positive attitude in your young ones towards oral hygiene practice […]

Do you know when your child needs to have their first dental visit? It might be earlier than you think ….

As a parent to a newborn and an infant, there are so many firsts in life. The first word, first step, first tooth, first birthday, etc. Every day your child is hitting milestones, but did you know the first dental visit is one of them? Dental visit !! for an […]

Why is it important to choose a dentist for your kid carefully?

The foundation of a healthy mouth of an individual can begin in the initial days of his life. The sooner the children begin with regular dental checkups the better their dental health will be. First dental visit plays a pivotal role in further visits to a dental clinic, especially for […]

When should we change our toothbrush?

Tooth brushing is the first step we take towards our oral hygiene. Do you know your toothbrush can harbor millions of bacteria if not replaced regularly. If you need to change your toothbrush, no matter how fancy it is, it’s time! What happens if you don’t replace your toothbrush on […]

Teeth Grinding

Does your jaw hurt in the morning, and you aren’t sure why? Bruxism is a subconscious habit where you grind your teeth to a point that it leads to jaw disorder, headache and teeth damage. Involuntiary clenching or gringing of teeth can happen at night. Some even suffer at daytime. […]

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Do you think there’s too much damage happening in your mouth? Do you feel your teeth are flattening out or getting shorter? You’re more conscious about your smile? Do you refrain from eating icecreams or eating hard and chewy foods? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, […]

Understanding COVID – 19 precautionary measures for a dental practice.

The situation with COVID- 19 has awakened all of us to protect ourselves and keep our environment clean and hygienic. The same applies to dental health professionals who should take additional measures to keep the environment safe and healthy. Transmission route COVID-19 virus is the main cause of corona disease, […]