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When should we change our toothbrush?

Tooth brushing is the first step we take towards our oral hygiene. Do you know your toothbrush can harbor millions of bacteria if not replaced regularly. If you need to change your toothbrush, no matter how fancy it is, it’s time! What happens if you don’t replace your toothbrush on time? The bacteria on the toothbrush will transfer back into your mouth causing bad breath and dental damage.

All the best dentists in Mumbai and different Dental Associations across the globe suggest that we should change our toothbrushes every three months. In some situations, this arbitrary timeline may not be appropriate. It literally depends on how often you use your toothbrush. A better metric for judging how long you’ve used the toothbrush would be how it looks. If you see the bristles of the toothbrush start to bend, it’s time to change it.


Blue toothbrush

1. Bristles of the brush are worn out or flared: Well if you ever notice this does not delay in changing the toothbrush.

Worned out toothbrush

 2. Bristles falling out: In a situation like this, it’s high time you require a new toothbrush.


  3.  Accumulation of plaque at the base of bristles: If you notice some deposits at the base of the bristles, you should definitely change the toothbrush as it’s not adding to your oral hygiene.

Brushing your teeth

 4.  Bristles have become hard: After using the toothbrush for quite some time, if you notice that the bristles have become hard or are hurting the gums while brushing, it’s time to change to a new toothbrush.

Boy sleeping on bed

 5. You have just recovered from an illness: It’s a good idea to change the brush after recovery from an illness, as it will stop the spread of infection any further.

wornout Toothbrush

6.  Don’t use 3 months old toothbrush: You should replace your toothbrush after every three months as it may have worn out completely. In the case of an electronic toothbrush, change the head after every 3 months.


  1. Never share your toothbrush: It’s not a great idea to share the toothbrush, as it will lead to an exchange of bacteria and microbes and hamper your oral hygiene.

2. Rinse the toothbrush: It’s important to rinse the toothbrush thoroughly after each use, as it will remove any remaining paste and debris.

3. Storing the toothbrush: It is important to air-dry the toothbrush after use. Storing the toothbrush in a moist and closed container will end up harboring more bacteria. Best dentists in Mumbai suggest avoiding the use of toothbrush covers. Keep them handy only for travel. 

4. Keep toothbrushes separate:  If the toothbrushes touch each other they will transfer germs.


By immersing your toothbrush in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide or Listerine mouthwash reduces the bacterial load approximately by 85 percent.

A variety of toothbrush sanitizers are available in the market. Choosing an FDA-recommended one is advised.

Microwaving the toothbrush or putting it in the dishwasher is not recommended as the high heat may destroy the toothbrush.

PRO TIP BY BEST DENTISTS IN MUMBAI: Change your brush after every tooth cleaning session done at the dental clinic to maintain good oral hygiene.