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How to choose the best dental implants for yourself- Know from the best dentists in Mumbai/ India.

With the advancement of technology, dental treatments have advanced too. When it comes to modern dental treatments, dental implants are unquestionably the most remarkable innovation. Nowadays people are well-known of the benefits of dental implants and hence are the most preferred treatment modality when it comes to the replacement of missing teeth. They are sturdy, natural-looking, easy to maintain and also cost-effective in the long run.

So which one is best for me?

Did you know there are over 500 dental implant manufacturing companies across the globe and they’re only increasing in number. So which one is best for me or which one do I choose? Does the quality of the implant matter? These are the immediate questions that pop into our head when we look at the choices available in the market. Titanium, Zirconium. 

To clear all the confusion, let’s throw some light on the facts. 

These top 5 brands make 95% of the implant sales:

  • Straumann
  • Nobel Biocare
  • Dentsply Sirona
  • Zimmer Biomet
  • Biohorizons
  • You don’t create all dental implants equally. The quality and system does matter even when getting a single to few implants or implant-supported denture. 
  • The research and development done during the clinical trials for launching their implants are massive.
  • There are multiple minute details to these implants which make a massive difference when it comes to trouble free longevity.
  • The current research trends producing the best implants are Straumann (24% of world market share for dental implants)
  • Zirconium dental implants are popular among patients as some may be allergic to Titanium and some may not be excited about having metal in the mouth. (However, they tend to have more long term complications as compared to conventional Titanium dental implants.

Other than the top 5 brands the likelihood of the remaining 495 odd implant companies surviving for the long term is highly questionable. Therefore the best dentists in Mumbai/ India suggest that it’s important to understand one thing. When we get implants in our jaw from a certain brand and it shuts down in the next 5 or 10 years. Then, the components that you need to service your implants will not be available. A situation like this might lead to further complications and according to the best dentists in Mumbai/ India, it might even lead to a bigger surgery such as surgical removal of implants or maybe burying implants in bone and not brought to use.

After conducting thorough research, the top brands have developed features that increase the success rate. Lots of these brands also provide a guarantee in case of implant failure. Therefore it’s always safer to invest in top brands not only for patients but also for clinicians.

The best dentists in Mumbai state that the best way to know and learn about the effectiveness of dental implant systems is to consult with the best dentists. A dentist who has completed his training in placing dental implants, and understands different implant systems. 

Two most important considerations.

The best dentist in Mumbai/ India has suggested these two most important considerations before choosing an implant system for both the patients and clinicians.

  1. Apart from choosing a quality dental implant the surgical skill of the dentist is equally important. So it’s advisable to choose the best dental clinic in your locality which has skilled dental implant surgeons. With a skilled dentist the majority of top brands of implant should provide excellent results.
  2. The second most important consideration is the feasibility to procure the replacement parts. This is crucial in case you have issues with implants in the course of time and need repair or replacement parts.