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Can you Reverse a Cavity? Complete End-to-End guide.

Let us first understand what a cavity is, the structure of our teeth are made up of hydroxyapatite crystals which are composed of calcium and phosphorus. The food that we consume might remain lodged in our teeth, the bacteria present in our mouth react with it to produce acid. This acid is primarily responsible for decalcification of our teeth thus leading to formation of a cavity.

Best dentists in Mumbai have advised that frequent exposure to acid produced by oral bacteria leads to breakdown of minerals present in your teeth resulting in cavities.

There are many stages in cavity formation-

  1. Demineralization- It marks the first stage of decay when the enamel is exposed to acids produced by bacteria while consumption of sugars and starch.
  2. Enamel decay- marked by the decay spreading in enamel, the outermost layer of the tooth. May result in formation of holes (cavities) in your teeth.
  3. Dentin decay- The third stage is when the decay reaches the dentin, which is the soft layer under the enamel. This stage of decay may be painful.
  4. Pulp decay- Final stage is when decay has reached the pulp, which is composed of nerves and blood vessels in your teeth. Decay in pulp is usually accompanied by pain since the inflammation is more extreme.

Can cavities be Reversed?

In the initial stage of tooth decay where the demineralization has just begun, we could think of Remineralizing the tooth so the minerals remain intact. Once the tooth has been remineralized we will arrest the progress of decay hence preventing the spread of cavity in the tooth.

The term reversing the cavity might not entirely be correct, but what we can aim for is arresting or slowing down the progress of decay through the tooth.

Anti cavity efforts which can be followed at home-

Top dentists in Mumbai will advice you about the following efforts which you can put in to reduce the progress of decay in your teeth-

  1. Reduce your intake of sugar, especially processed sugars as they accelerate the rate of decay in your teeth.
  2. Brushing twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste to minimize the demineralisation of teeth with a correct brushing technique which your dentist can guide you best with.
  3. Flossing once a day will minimize plaque buildup.
  4. Include fibers in your diet as they reduce plaque buildup.
  5. Use straws when consuming a drink which is sugary to reduce the contact with your teeth.
  6. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated which will in turn maintain your saliva levels and therefore help in washing off any food debris remaining in your mouth.
  7. Visit a dentist for a regular check up near you and get a cleaning done once every six month to maintain better oral hygiene.

Treatment options to prevent the spread of Decay-

Once the decay has started then to leave it unattended will only lead to spread of the decay. The best way to go ahead would be to address the decay as soon as possible.

Fluoride treatment is a treatment option for incipient decay where remineralization will help to prevent the further decalcification of the tooth. This can be used only in certain selected cases after diagnosis of demineralized areas of the tooth.

Fillings like composite can be done by drilling the decayed part of the tooth and replacing it with a tooth coloured material which bonds to the tooth.

Root canal treatment– once the decay reaches the pulp, one needs to undergo a root canal treatment to get rid of all the infection from the tooth and rehabilitate it with a crown prosthesis.

Extraction- in very severe infections where the tooth is not salvageable, extraction would be advised to prevent further spread of infection and loss of bone structure around the tooth.

At The Dental bond we have a very transparent approach with treating decay. We always start with taking pictures, scans and radiographs for a better understanding of your teeth and oral cavity. We spend time studying the scans and radiographs to develop a comprehensive, personal treatment plan for each patient and guide them through it.

Once we have discussed the treatment plan we start with the most conservative approach of decay removal while trying to preserve what is natural. The line of treatment is guided by the extent of decay and nothing else. We encourage active involvement from our patients throughout treatment by always being transparent in our approach. 
To get one of the best dental experiences, book your appointment today at The Dental Bond.