Normal cells in the body follow an orderly life cycle wherein they grow, divide, and eventually die. When a few abnormal cells show uncontrolled growth, it leads to ‘Cancer’. A major public health problem worldwide is Oral Cancer, which includes cancers of the soft tissues of the mouth (lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and throat). Awareness regarding oral cancer, the sixth most common cancer in the world, is important because it can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. The consumption of tobacco can get the main reason for the rise in oral cancers.
Tobacco use of any kind (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco) and heavy alcohol use are major risk factors to develop oral cancers. However, if you thought you aren’t at risk of developing oral cancer if you haven’t been drinking, smoking, or chewing tobacco, you are wrong.
Recent statistics show that 25% of all oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke and who only drink alcohol in moderation.
The following reasons are responsible for oral cancer:
Most mouth cancers begin in squamous cells, which are flat cells that cover your mouth, tongue, and lips. Any abnormal growth in these cells signals trouble. The cancer may present itself as:
Your dentist can conduct an oral cancer screening exam during your regular dental care visit by feeling for any lumps or irregular tissue changes in your neck, head, face, and dental cavity. An important point to note here is that your dentist can also diagnose precancerous conditions (A condition or lesion involving abnormal cells which are associated with an increased risk of developing into cancer). Your dentist might also ask for a biopsy of a suspicious-looking area.
The treatment of oral cancer varies depending upon the stage of cancer when it is diagnosed. This includes surgery to remove the cancerous growth, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy (drug treatments) to destroy any remaining cancer cells.
Every hour an individual succumbs to oral cancer. Early diagnosis increases the survival rate manifold.
Therefore, if you have never had an its examination, there is no better time to schedule one during Oral Cancer Awareness Month in April.
Schedule an appointment at the The Dental Bond at the earliest.