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Advanced Gum Care


We all love our teeth and want them to hang in there forever. Truth is that maintaining your teeth alone is not good enough. We need to consider the supporting structures of our teeth as well (gums and bone). Bone and gums form the foundation of your teeth. If they are not well-kept, it can lead to many diseases. Most commonly, gingivitis or periodontitis.

What is gingivitis or gum disease ?

Full mouth rehabilitation

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease which causes gum inflammation induced by plaque and tartar. Accumulation of food debris and salivary deposits can form plaque.

This debris consists of a bacterial biofilm which feeds of the debris, the tooth, gum. The deposits continue to pile up and harden to form calculus (Tartar).  If you don’t maintain a proper oral hygiene, then it leads to accumulation of bacterial biofilm known as plaque which sits on the surface of your teeth and gums, which if not cleaned adequately can further harden and form calculus (tartar).

What is Periodontitis?

Full mouth rehabilitation

Periodontitis is a chronic long term inflammatory disease. It is an advanced form of disease wherein gum and bone are involved. The presence of tartar encourages the growth of bacterial plaque towards the root of the tooth which eats up the attachment of the gum to the root and a gap is created called a periodontal pocket. This can further lead to loosening of teeth and in turn loss of tooth

Why do we need to pay special attention?

Gum disease if left untreated can cause loss of gum tissue and bone tissue. If this happens it can lead to various gum and bone diseases and how to prevent these gum diseases is mentioned here

Gum disease if left untreated it can not only affect your mouth but also your overall health of the body as it is proven that periodontitis is associated with Bacterial endocarditis (Heart infections), respiratory diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis as the bacteria forming plaque and tartar can compromise the immune system and alter the defense mechanism of the body.

Advanced Gum Care

Certain measures and alteration in routine can help you maintain oral hygiene. Only brushing isn’t enough to maintain the health of your gums and bones. As there are certain areas which require different oral hygiene aids. You get aid depending on the condition of your gums and alignment. Here are some oral hygiene aids which can help you to maintain proper oral hygiene and advanced gum care. (Recommended by the best dentists in Mumbai)

Interdental brush     

Colgate Interdental brush

It is a small bottle brush-like device specially designed so as to clean the interdental areas (areas between your teeth) where a regular toothbrush does not reach. Interdental brush helps to prevent gum disease by getting rid of food particles and plaque from between your teeth. It helps in advanced gum care and most routinely advised by the best dentists in Mumbai for maintaining hygiene of spaces which occur due to periodontitis. The brush is available in different sizes and widths, to know the best size suitable consult your dentist. It is easily available in pharmacies close to you.

?  How to use an interdental brush?

  • Make sure to use an appropriate size of the interdental brush according to the size of the gap.
  • Wet the interdental brush and insert it gently between your teeth. Start with a smaller size if it feels too tight you can go for a medium.
  • Workaround your whole mouth and don’t miss out any spaces.


Water Flosser

 A water flosser is a dental care device which uses a stream of high pressure pulsating water to clean all the plaque and debris between the teeth and below the gum margins.

Water flosser is a great tool and advised by all the best dentist in Mumbai to use to keep your teeth clean. However, this does wonders for people with gum disease and receding gums, as an advanced gum care routine.

How to use a water flosser?

  • Fill the reservoir of water flosser with water and place firmly on the base.
  • Insert the tip into the machine, lean over the sink, and place the tip in your mouth. Now start the machine with lowest pressure setting.
  • Start with the back teeth of one side and move forward all the way across to the other side. Aim the tip of the water flosser at the gum line between two teeth such that the debris comes out from the tongue side. Turn the unit on. Close your lips enough to prevent splashing, let water flow from your mouth into sink.
  • The rising action of water pulsating can help in flossing. Just keep the water flosser inside your mouth.

   ✤ This advanced gum care routine advised by most of the dentists in Mumbai, can help remove plaque, food debris from the areas where spaces are present in between two teeth.